I’m interested in who we need to become to make this world a more beautiful place.

I’m curious about the leadership that’s required in each of us to boldly step into more heart-full ways of living and working - together.  I’m devoted to supporting space holders to become so deeply connected and attuned to their work that it feels like the most sustainable, life-giving art.


I grew up as a sensitive kid, and that sensitivity has carried over into my adulthood. Deep feeling and incredibly aware of others' emotions, attuned in ways that has at times felt too much. Maybe you can relate. I tend to gather the sensitive ones. 
The attuned ones. Welcome.

I have always longed to explore both my inner and outer world, to be held in potent conversations, to speak into ideas, possibilities, dreams, and the unseen, often unspoken, and hard-to-measure. I've spent the equivalent of years soaking up every book I could find on emotional intelligence, relational concepts, self-enquiry, and spirituality. Books remain one of my greatest loves.

Nowadays, I know that sensitivity is one of my superpowers. 

I love really hard. I feel - intensely. I care with my whole being.  This fullness of feeling can be a lot (!) for some folks - but it’s one of my favourite things - about me and about others. 

I want to live with this emotional vigour and cognitive liveliness for the rest of my life.  It feels - for me- like a fully expressed, fully felt existence.

I used to have a fear of being seen for who I really am because of my depth and - at times - intensity.  These days, I’m incredibly interested in surrounding myself with humans who meet me there.  Who long to melt into the life-expanding questions together and come out bolder, more resourced, ready.  Who want better for us individually and as a collective.

I live for brave conversations, ritualised self-exploration and feeling truly and absolutely connected with our work in profound, sustainable and impactful ways. 

I learned the power of truth when I was a teenager and held an important, life-altering piece of information in my hands. Ultimately, I chose to share it and consequently shifted the course of many lives. I'm so glad I told the truth. The truth typically speeds up what was going to happen anyway, right?

Since then, I've been deeply curious (and respectful) of the truth.

Everyone has their own - that I know for sure - and I'm wildly interested in yours. May we be courageous enough to meet the truth.

For a long time, I invested my energy in looking outside of myself, seeking out an answer for what I wanted to do in my life. How could I be more me, every day in all ways? How could I contribute to the world I want to live in a way that felt most true for my spirit? How could I feel a sense of coming home in what I spent my days doing?

Funny thing is, I was doing it all along, as we so often are, in some form.


I studied a Bachelor of Communications, majoring in Creative Industries in Auckland City, Aotearoa (New Zealand). My favourite tutorials were led by an intersectional feminist who held class in a circle. It was a space where we were invited to be brave, connected, and outspoken. A space where we could bring our unknowns and courageously find our own answers. It was the best, and it was a sign of what was to come.

A week after graduating, I moved to Melbourne with just $100 in my wallet and a one-way ticket. Looking back, I’m in awe of my younger self's courage, but at the time, I didn’t think twice about it. I trusted myself. That version of me still nudges my life forward in many ways.

Over the years, I've worked all sorts of jobs, many casual and part-time, to make ends meet while desperately seeking out what I truly wanted. I had a job created for me once where my sole responsibility was to make people feel “comfortable and happy”. Honestly, I was really good at it. I’ve worked in bars and shops, in travel, as a nanny for kids with additional needs, in marketing, as a waitress, and so much more. But after 18 months of my only full-time role, I miraculously or madly – depends on how you look at it – quit. I knew that wasn’t the path for me.

I’ve spent years traveling for the joy and the challenge of new experiences through much of the rest of the world. I’ve toured the USA with a band on a bus (trust me, it’s not nearly as glamorous as it sounds!) and visited many places that people told me not to go to - but we’ve gotta follow the call, right?

I Have Spent Much Of My Life Exploring Ceremonies, Circles, And Rituals.

I learned the art of Reiki in the Australian forest and spent a month studying in an Ashram at the foot of the Himalayas.

I’ve spent thousands of hours in studios, ritual spaces, in online classes and ceremonies - soaking up wisdom from those who came before me.

I’m enamoured by humans, by the way we think, feel and connect. That curiosity has fuelled every move I’ve made. It still does.

When I reflect back, everything makes sense, and it feels like a natural path, but there were many moments when I wasn't sure where I was headed.

I stumbled upon life coaching, and immediately I knew it was the path for me. It was a full-body validation, the sense of knowing that I had been searching for my entire life. Since stepping into coaching a decade ago, my life has become infinitely more delicious.

It has been an immersive and devoted journey so far.

I spent a few years working as the in-house life coach at an acclaimed holistic wellness and rehabilitation retreat, which gave me the most concentrated experiences of my working life, and I'm grateful to be a trainer at one of the best life coaching academies in the world.

Nowadays, I spend most of my time coaching extraordinary space holders and creatives who are committed, curious, and brave. It is my wildest joy to illuminate and support the expansion of their power and deepen into their most legacy-filled work in the world.

Over the years I have coached over 800+ clients including creatives, healers, new and established coaches, psychologists, international artists, CEO’s of Silicon Valley companies, mama’s, Grammy Award winning singers and songwriters, leaders in the not for profit space, playwrights, corporate queens, yoga teachers and a whole lot of other incredible humans.

Nothing beats the deep knowing that I am living out what I believe I’m here to do, every single day.

“Sammie is a highly intuitive, deeply encouraging, and beautifully skilled coach and coach trainer.”

Any person who is blessed to coach with Sammie will leave that exchange a changed person. Her impact is soul deep and lasting, to the point where years later you will be able to think back to your time with her and smile – knowing that the lessons you gleaned from your time together are still impacting your life in untold ways.

Julie Parker
CEO and Founder of Beautiful You Coaching Academy

And You?

My sense is that you are a really good listener, amazing in fact.

You make people feel seen and heard like they have never been seen and heard before. You have things to say, and you are intelligent, intuitive, and wise. And yet - sometimes you don't speak your full truth because of your awareness and empathy for the people around you.

You know how to work hard, but you're not interested in the never-ending grind. Best of both worlds, baby.

You love so damn hard, and at times, you feel so much that it overwhelms you. You're in good company in my world.

You have a really fierce intuition, which can sometimes be overlooked as not being a serious form of data. (Spoiler alert - it is the most serious form of data there is).

You're a wayshower, a natural guide and leader. It can feel easier to hold than to be held sometimes.

May you give yourself the spaces to be held as you so naturally hold for others.

I help people connect deeply to their sacred leadership, to deepen their space holding, to amplify their creative life-force and to hold reverence for the potency of their intuition - every step of the way.

I spend my days coaching incredible, inspiring humans both privately and in group programs. I run sold out retreats around the world.

I’m gratefully one of the trainers for a world-renowned life coaching academy. I teach people the art of holding space so they can step more powerfully into their work.

Somewhere along the way, I became comfortable in the art of receiving, and I teach people how to do the same so they can call in the life that they most want to live, have, and embody.

I believe that the deep confidence you've been craving comes from owning who you truly are and being brave enough to show the world that version. It comes from tapping into your inner wisdom and natural rhythms and understanding (and loving) yourself like never before.

I believe that the deep confidence you’ve been craving comes from owning who you truly are. By being brave enough to show the world that version. It comes from tapping into your inner wisdom and natural rhythms and understanding (and loving) yourself like never before.

I believe that living in reverence to your intuition is powerful as hell.

I believe you’re ready to have the impact that you dream about without the hectic hustle.

I believe that you’re ready to step into your truest power.

Why else would you be here?

Would you like me to support you?

I would love to support you in creating magic in your life in a way that feels soaked in ease and so true for you. This is what I teach. This is what I do. This is the thread that runs through every conversation that I have. If you would like to have a conversation with me, get in touch.

The single most important decision I made that has helped my personal life and soul business skyrocket like a supernova has been working with Sammie.

I get emotional thinking about the myriad of ways her coaching has transformed the outward business approaches and the inner way I feel about the secret corners of my soul.

I’m a painter who also loves Excel, and Sammie’s guidance recalibrated the way I approach my art exhibits, my conversations with myself, my energy levels, my relationship to my beautiful body, it’s cycles and so much more.

Working with Sammie produces an alchemy where soul sister magic meets practical rituals you’ll adore. Get ready because her energy is mama bear meets glowing angel, and every single interaction brings her clients one step closer to being fully expressed humans capable of anything you can imagine.”

Emily Bauman
Owner and Creative Catalyst at Amanacer Art