A deep and soulful exploration of heart-led leadership and bold, easeful business.
Expansion is for the wise ones, the deep divers, the courageous. It’s for the big dreamers, the sensitive souls, the giant-hearted. It’s for the whip-smart, the way-showers, the supporters, the devoted. It’s for the legacy-leavers, the leaders, the lovers. It is a space where your wholeness is known, your power is celebrated.
My Intention
Expansion is luxurious. My intention is for each touch point of our time together in this lush container to feel like a spark of growth, of amplification, magnification and clarification. For each (truly, each!) experience to expand us.
As with everything I do, I don’t believe my job is to teach you *everything you should be doing*. That’s not the way we play around here. Also, it’s not what I believe you or anyone that is called to Expansion needs.
My role is to draw even more of your unique greatness out of you and allow you to find that true holistic abundance in a way that feels entirely you. It will be an environment rich with those already playing, thinking and believing at a high level.
This is a space for high performing humans to come home to themselves, come apart, be held, tell the whole truth amongst other humans who can hold both their depths and their bright, brilliant shine.
Within Expansion, we not only encourage but elevate the magnitude of your vision. You are supported to soar here. A space to hold the brewing of your gifts, to build the brilliance of your offerings, and to deepen into your magic. This isn't for those dipping their toe in. I know this isn't your first rodeo. It isn't for anyone who is drawn to this space, truthfully. You're ready for deeper, for substance. We know our work is serious, and we don't take ourselves too seriously. That sweet spot. We know how to work hard, but we're not interested in the never-ending grind.
Best of both worlds, baby.
Lets expand you into your space holding and sacred leadership
Through high-level, powerful coaching, beautiful rolling conversations and ceremonial experiences, we acknowledge the sacredness of our work, the honour of what we *get* to do in the world, the wild potential that business, soul and sacred leadership holds.
We work in harmony and co-creation with the souls of our businesses, the energy we are privileged to work with. What we do and how we show up isn’t solely for us and us alone – that doesn’t feel rich enough – we recognise the collective good and the fact that so many people benefit when we thrive. Community is important and we respect our ripple effect.
Your Optimism Isn’t Cute, It’s Medicinal
‘Round here, we honour how truly life-affirming and important it is to be rooted in love and operate, create, and hold space from that place. There is nothing cutesy about it, my friend. I see your bold ways. It is courageous and tender to orient from the energy of the heart. And here you are, living that out in real-time, and we hold damn high value for that around here.
Your Inclusions
Twice Monthly Group Calls
A combination of guided discussions and hot-seat style personalised coaching. Your level of individual support is so important to me.
3 Half Day Virtual Retreats
Infused with ceremonial elements. Let’s workshop your leadership, your business and what your soul is asking for.
Weekly 1:1 Voxer Support
Where you and I dive into deep conversation with whatever is present for you.
Bespoke Masterclass
To keep your desired teaching in your back pocket (and access to many more!)
Incredible Guest Teachings With Thought Leaders
A collection of wise and visionary leaders, space holders and creatives who have important stories to tell.
An Abundant Flow Of Bonuses
Tangible treats and extras the-whole-damn-way.
“Expansion has been nothing short of breathtakingly transformative.
It has been both the soft landing that my big sensitive heart craved and the calling up that my soul was calling for. Catapult meets cocoon. There aren’t many spaces like that in the world. And there is only one Sammie that can hold both so beautifully. In our time together, I have been navigating big shifts in both my personal and business life, and to be met with such heart, grace, love and tenderness while also calling me up to my highest. That takes a rare gift. You are a rare gift, Sammie. And you have a way of bringing the most magical humans together.”
Tara Winters
Award Winning Coach
Together, we journey
Meeting your edge and stretching deliciously into your next level
More intimately exploring into your life-long legacy and being madly-in-love with your soul work
The sacredness of the work you’re here to do
Reclamation and ritual
The activation of awe and the magnificent vision this gifts us
Cultivating courage to be the sacred leader you know you’re meant to be
Boss-level boundaries for self and community respect
Exploring your sense of sacred leadership in the way you work and walk through the world
Experiencing the incredible nature of having others around you who can deeply hold your dreams and strongly bolster them
The art of showing up for your divine responsibility
Embodiment and living your life and soul work as art
Nervous system regulation as a high priority – always
An amplification of who you’re ready to become
Truly receiving and calling in the very best in this next season
Creativity with glorious abandon – feeling tapped in and turned on
Pleasurable Business
Operating with unshakeable levels of integrity
A solid connection to your north star – your deepest purpose
Experiencing desire and lushness within the work that you do (cos that’s how we do it!)
Guest Teachings
As someone who considers themself a pretty good writer, I've been sitting here, trying to convey exactly what your work means to me. And the thing is, what you do is beyond words, Sammie.
The image that sticks in my mind is that of an amusement ride attendant who should turn Young Me away, because I'm just a little too small (and probably causing a bit of a scene... because even though I want to ride it for FOMO reasons, I'm actually bloody terrified and don't really want to, probably?).
But instead of turning me away, you crouch down to look me in the eye and tell me it's brave to go on the ride, and if I really want to go on it, you'll go on it with me to make sure nothing bad happens, but it's also brave to say, "No—I don't want to do this; I've changed my mind" and if that's how I truly feel, you'll take my hand and walk me past the line and back to safety. But also! You tell me that I'm welcome to come back anytime when I want to try again.
That is the feeling your work gives me. A sense of autonomy and strength while being witnessed and held.
Aud Pitch
I’ll Meet You In The Expansion
Select the plan that works for you:
*In total upon signing up
All rates are in Australian Dollars (AUD).
*Per month over 12 months
All rates are in Australian Dollars (AUD).
*Per month over 6 months
All rates are in Australian Dollars (AUD).
A place where we lean into legacy while dancing with levity (because it gets to be a good time!). It’s the group experience I was searching for. It’s the table of humans I want to sneak into, pull up a chair and listen to with eagerness because this table is brilliant.

Lets expand into your space holding and sacred leadership
EXPANSION is OPEN for 2025
Expansion tends to book out weeks, sometimes months in advance and is a highly sought after experience.
We begin late April 2025.
If you are curious or would like to explore joining the experience this year, please express your interest here and Sammie will be in touch super soon.
I intentionally ensure the group remains small to ensure that this experience is highly personalised. My great joy is supporting you with what YOU need, not to lay my teachings over you. We have so much time and space (through group calls, 1:1 Voxer support and our virtual retreats) to explore, excavate and expand in whichever way you want to. Your level of individual support is so important to me.
Each retreat is created and curated especially for the specific group. Sometimes we have guest teachers or facilitators who may guide us through a somatic practice in addition to me facilitating a deep dive into our work, our leadership and our souls. Other times we explore a certain theme or topic through rituals, ceremony and workshopping. We are able to make life-and-business-altering shifts within these retreats due to their concentrated nature.
Welcome to the best club in town. We all do! Those who are called to my work have full lives and both desire and require highly concentrated coaching time. There are no lessons, workbooks or homework to complete within Expansion. That’s not how we play. Instead, we simply devote to high quality, life-expanding coaching through our group calls, weekly Voxer support and within our virtual retreats. There is no such thing as being “behind” here because it is not a curriculum based program, it’s personalised, live and connected.
Yes! I will always offer payment plans. At this point, there is a 6-month, 9 month and a 12-month payment plan. If you wish to discuss alternatives to create accessibility for you, please email me as this may be possible.
Let’s do that! The best option is to email me directly, and we’ll book some time to have an (obligation-free – always and of course!) conversation together to see if this would be deeply supportive and beneficial in this season of your life and business.